Mouse in the House

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Once upon a time, there was a mouse. The mouse went to a house. And the mouse went in the dog hole.

And the first room he went in to was the bedroom. He saw a clock. Then Hickory Dickory Dock. The mouse went up the clock. The clock struck four. The mouse ran down. Hickory Dickory Dock. The mouse went up the clock. The clock struck five. The mouse went down. Hickory Dickory Dock.

And then the mouse went downstairs into the basement. And the mouse played with toys. And the first toy he saw made lots and lots of noise and music. And then he played with all the toys. When he was done, he put all of them back into place.

Next he went upstairs and turned off the light and then he closed the door and the next room he went in was the family room. He played with the toys in the family room. Then he put away the toys and went upstairs.

And then mouse went in was the attic. And he went in the door in the attic and he played with the old toys in there that the people who lived there didn’t use any more and then he put all of them away and turned off the light and closed the door and climbed down the ladder. He went downstairs and then he went out the house where his mom and dad and brothers and sisters who were waiting for him. He told them all about his trip.

The End.


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