Change Titles of .M3U files

In the last post, I explained .M3U files. Now I will tell you how to change titles. Sometimes the title of the song would be the same as the file name.     So we look at the code: #EXTINF:0,CS_002_IAmAChildOfGod_eng.mp3 Children’s SongbookCS_002_IAmAChildOfGod_eng.mp3 You remember this: #EXTINF:0,<TITLE> <ADDRESS OF FILE><FILE NAME>…

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.M3U Playlists

Once I was cleaning my computer’s files, and I found a .m3u file. I opened it with the default (WMP), and it turned out to be a playlist of LDS songs. By learning more I found out it is just simple code! I viewed the code by opening with notepad: #EXTM3U #EXTINF:0,2017-04-5061-keep-the-commandments-256k-eng.mp3…

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