Two Boys and a Volcano

Paul learned about Pompeii when he read a Magic Tree House book about it. We extended the learning by making a baking soda/vinegar volcano with a friend, Kaleb. Then Paul learned even more about Ancient Rome and Pompeii and he gave a report at Co-op. Source: Two Boys and a…

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Too tall Houses

I like Too Tall Houses, because there are two friends who keep building their houses bigger! They are not happy in the middle of the book. At the end of the book, they built their houses in to outer space and the houses fell down! Then they made one house for both of …

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The Native American Homes

by Mommy illustrated by Paul (Mommy is typing what Paul says.) The wigwam was made in the Northern Woodlands. The longhouse was built in the Northern Woodlands too. The teepees were built in plains (My favorite house that they made  It is my favorite because when we say it, it sounds…

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A Dog (A Story)

A Dog (A Story) by Paul   Once upon a time, a dog wanted to write a story, and he didn’t know what words to write. The dog wrote words on different pieces of paper and put them on the grass. He wrote the things that he saw. He wrote the words that…

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Letters and Numbers

Once upon a time, there were two “A”s. Mommy “A” said that Daddy was at work. Then Mommy “A” called Daddy “A.” After Mommy “A” called Daddy “A,” she said, “Baby A, you are going to see Daddy “A” soon.” That night, when all the “A”s were asleep, three more…

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Palmyra and Kirtland

We went to Palmyra. We went to church in Palmyra! We saw the temple in Kirtland. We saw the Sacred Grove. Joseph Smith prayed there. Joseph Smith lived a long time ago. We saw where The Book of Mormon was printed. I got pages of The Book of Mormon. I love…

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A Story of a Maze

Maze Story Once upon a time, there was a sea turtle named Sea Turtle and he wanted to see his friend Turtle. Sea Turtle went on a path and looked for his friends. He went one way and turned one way and he turned again and he turned again. But…

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Paul’s Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Paul. And Paul’s parents were named Rebecca and Ryan. And the next day, Paul woke up and his parents Mommy and Daddy woke up. And then all the people took showers. And then Mommy and Daddy got dressed. Paul’s parents packed…

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