The Testimony of Three Witnesses

In The Testimony of Three Witnesses, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris tell us that they saw the plates, “through the grace of God the Father.” That teaches us that God is graceful. Later on, they mention the “judgment-seat of Christ,” so now I know that Jesus will judge…

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What is Bonfire Night? (Guy Fawkes Night)

In Europe, there are many different holidays that are celebrated with bonfires and called Bonfire Night. Guy Fawkes Night, which is celebrated in Britain on November fifth, is one of the most famous. It celebrates the failure of an assassination plot in 1605. Catholics living in an English providence wanted…

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What is a Vitrectomy?

A vitrectomy is the process of an eye surgeon removing the aqueous humor gel and replacing it in an eye of a patient. Somebody may undergo a vitrectomy because there is blood or debris in the aqueous, or the aqueous clouded or hardened. Another reason you might need a vitrectomy…

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A Race to Space

“[We] should commit … [ourselves] to achieving the goal before this decade is out,” U.S. President John F. Kennedy proposed to Congress on May 25, 1961, “of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth.” Over 35 years before, the U.S. and the Union of…

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Great Inventors

Did you know that Thomas Edison obtained 2,332 patents worldwide for his inventions? 1,093 of Edison’s patents were in the United States, but other patents were approved in other countries. I think Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, and Alexander Graham Bell are the most important Americans inventors. Thomas Edison is…

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The Civil War

In a civil war, states, not countries, fight. At the time of the America Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was the president. When the war ended, 620,000 had died. In addition, the war cost 15 million dollars. So why were they fighting? The south feared that the government would take the…

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Stop Bob’s Destroyer!

John Miller and Mary Miller anxiously stared at their message wall, a wall that automatically showed all of their announcements. It read “Gold in California, Chicago, Planet Texas.” In 3160, which was five years before, they had moved to Boston, Illinois, Planet Texas. “Oh no!” explained Mary “Bob will power…

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The Trail of Tears

Native Americans will never forget The Trail of Tears. In the late 1820s, more than 100,000 Native Americans lived in southeast America. It had been their home for generations before the white men came. The white men desired this land because they had found gold in Georgia and because they…

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The Amazing Deal

Thomas Jefferson, our 3rd president, got a great deal for America! When he became president in 1801, the United States only included the land from the east coast to the Mississippi River. Napoleon Bonaparte, the emperor of France, owned the land on the other side. Thomas Jefferson wanted to buy…

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America is Free!

The Declaration of Independence made America free from King George III. Before, English soldiers had reinforced the many taxes. The colonists protested, which resulted in MORE taxes and MORE soldiers. The colonists thought this was not fair because they wanted to be free! A congress with at least one man…

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Colonial Church

Church was important in Colonial America. Men, women, children, slaves, and Native Americans all sat in their own sections. One sermon lasted 2-5 hours. After lunch, there was another sermon. Nobody could leave church except for lunch until the minister and his wife left. To strictly enforce the seriousness of…

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Law and Order

Law and order were vital in colonial America. A person paid a fine for lying, calling somebody a name, or being rude. If someone committed a crime, he was whipped or had his crime burned onto his hand. Others were placed in stocks with a card around their necks with…

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The Boston Massacre

It was a chilly, snowy afternoon in Boston, Massachusetts, March 5, 1770. Two anxious British soldiers, who were known as Private John Goldfinch and Captain Hugh White, stood in front of the Statehouse on King Street. The colonists were mad about the taxes that King George the III placed on them. They wanted to…

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A Long and Tough Journey

In 1620, a group of English Puritans, who wanted to freely worship God, boarded the Mayflower to America. Then, the sailors saw dark clouds up ahead! The lightning flashed. The thunder crashed. Wind and waves rocked the boat. The Pilgrims stayed below on the crowded gun deck. The Pilgrims were…

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In 1607, more Englishmen went to the New World to find riches. They landed in Virginia, and named the town Jamestown, after King James. The land was a swampy wilderness. The men lazily did not want to work. Captain John Smith said, “No work, No food”. They did not find…

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Bent’s Fort

Bent’s Fort was a trading post created from adobe blocks, which were (and still are) mud bricks dried in the sun. It had massive wooden gates and was surrounded by a sage brush prairie. At Bent’s Fort, people happily trade furs and trinkets. All people stop at Bent’s Fort, even…

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Uniting the States

In 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, delegates from each of the 13 colonies met to fix the old government. George Washington, who was president of the convention, had a sun on the back of his chair. Benjamin Franklin wondered if the sun was rising or setting. Many doubted the crumbling old…

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Prairie Tornadoes

Prairie tornadoes, which are very powerful, break things in their path. They quickly slurp up strong wagons and break ox yokes off! The tornado may cut trees in half. A tornado spins like a top across the ground. If you see one, get out of the area! Tornadoes are powerful!

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Forest Fire

Flames crawl nearer and nearer to the water. There was no escape by land because of fire on each side of the water. Rabbits quickly hopped out of the brush towards the beach, but they didn’t move when a lynx ran past. Two does gallop past timber; a fox and…

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Summer and Autumn

Summer came. Paddle was halfway up the Michigan coast and lots of things were happening. Cows and horses grazed in green meadows. Cool breezes ruffled the grain and slowly turned windmills. Wagons of hay creaked into old barns. Soon summer turned into autumn, and grapes, corn and apples needed to…

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The Shipwreck

But a lighthouse signaled that help coming! The tired-out men fought towards the new hope of land. A lifeboat slowly crawled towards them. A cord shot towards the boat and caught it. The lifeboat sailed away with the other end. The ship reared up and crashed down. The men ran…

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Storm in the Marsh

Paddle might had been caught in the marsh forever, except that one night no stars came out. Thunder cracked. Lighting split the night like fire. An owl searched for shelter in the forest, ducks gathered their tiny babies under mossy banks, and a muskrat plopped down in a hollow log…

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